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Raul Kaevand
Most Promising AI Tool

Raul Kaevand


Raul should have been dead on day 1. There are thousands of tools for automating outbound campaign, but Raul found a niche. Leadning on generative AI, warm up campaigns, and aggressive pricing, he's hit millions of revenue and 17,000 customers in under 3 years.

Others nominated for the Most Promising AI Tool Award: headshot
Most Promising AI Tool

Over the past four months, they've been deeply engaged with a major player in the industries. Their newly launched feature that allows users to effortlessly search and derive insights from PDFs, DOCX, or CSVs. From a cutting-edge Data Chatbot and an AI-Powered SQL Query Generator to robust Data Visualization & Exports, Custom Prompts, and seamless connections to databases – it's all about delivering comprehensive analysis solutions.

Patrick Bosek headshot
Patrick Bosek
Most Promising AI Tool

Heretto has embedded AI in its component based content marketing system delighting customers like Jamf and Medallia.

Peter DiSalvo headshot
Peter DiSalvo
Most Promising AI Tool

Founded in 2015, Pete has bootstrapped to millions in revenue for his Threat and Security awareness platform. Part of his secret sauce is his AI integration which he holds a patent for.
