Help Lalit MangalWin the Most Likely to IPO Award:

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Lalit Mangal
Most Likely to IPO

Lalit Mangal


Launched in 2019, Airmeet has scaled to an estimated $20m in revenues and 239 full time employees. Despite tough competition from Hopin, vFairs, and cVent, the company continues to grow at a record pace.

Others nominated for the Most Likely to IPO Award:

James Isilay headshot
James Isilay
Most Likely to IPO

James has raised $126m to hit revenues of $45m and has multiple larger competitors that could pay more than $1b for Cognism. He's in a hot space, with plenty of capital flowing around from potential buyers like Hubspot, Salesforce, and ZoomInfo.

Jim Yu headshot
Jim Yu
Most Likely to IPO

Jim has hit $100m in revenue in a very capital efficient way. They've only raised $0.60 for every dollar of ARR.

Cristina Vila Vives headshot
Cristina Vila Vives
Most Likely to IPO

Cledara launched in 2018 despite legacy players with huge funding and marketshare. Today, they've opened offices in Barcelona and Denver and are some of the most in demand speakers at SaaS industry conferences because of their unique data set.
